
Improved Jobs Manager

Jobs Manager (by JobMount) has become more functional and convenient for employers. These new features are already available to all clients on the main template product branch.

Jobs Manager received the following upgrades:

1. All information in one spot – employers can now see all essential information at once:
– active services (job postings, featured/premium upgrades);
– direct buttons to post a job or buy additional services;
– scraping details (in case WebSpiderMount service is used).

Jobs manager job board feature

2. Each job status has its own color making navigation easier in a job list.

Jobs manager job board feature

3. Simplified sorting of jobs by status and/or premium/featured marks.

Jobs manager job board feature

4. Easily upgrade by employer any job to featured/premium (if a relevant package is activated) status, re-publish, expire or draft directly from the jobs manager with just one click, or bulk select and update several jobs at once.

Jobs manager job board feature

5. Overall design improvements.

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