
Job Scraping Reporting And Taxonomy

Job scraping software and service offering were upgraded to include : 1) comprehensive reporting to alert spider support team on any job wrapping issues, 2) jobs taxonomy engine for automatic categorization based on keywords.
Monitoring reports and issues resolution
Job wrapping service tracks and resolves a number of issues preventing jobs from being copied & posted to your job board correctly. Job scraping quality control involves source career sites & ATS availability checks, job pages updates tracking & escalating the issues for support team reviews.
Job wrapping software identifies and alerts spider team on following issues:
– source career site updated vacancy page, i.e. HTML or layout is changed
– new job data structure: i.e. location dropdown removed or changed
– source site career section is temporary down or moved
– career site uses new technology
– global job numbers change
– problem reaching target job board to post
Jobs Taxonomy
Job spider software can identify and allocate correct industry category for job board or recipient database to use. Even if such category is missing on source career site of an employer. Job board software will receive the correct industry or other category setting from job spider. Spider software uses boolean logic and keyword matching to identify industry and other data based on job content, i.e. job description, title, etc.
Update: Recently automated online JobTaxonomy service was introduced by SpiderMount enabling industry sector / category data mapping within wrapping software or separately. Find out more on or SpiderMount blog.
More about job wrapping & spider: job scraping.

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