
1. In the Administrative part of your Job board application navigate by the following path:

Settings: Payments: Payment systems integration

2. System will offer all currently integrated payment options:

You are able to edit them: Payment systems management.

3. Open properties (click on logo or Edit)

You will be offered to see the properties screen:

4. Supply either test or live account settings:

Test account

Create your own test account on or inquire for JobMount test account details so you can test website payments and services activation before launching your job board.

Live account

Supply live account data when your job board software is ready to go online.

Payment gateway account properties which are supplied:

– Server Integration Method (SIM) test mode settings are supplied for you in JobMount admin by default.
– Provide your unique API login (x_login) and a transaction key (x_transaction_key) – 16 characters.
– Turn off the test mode by setting x_test_request to false and change Action link to
– Confirm if the website URL is correct in “General Parameters” global settings.

5. In account settings specify Silent Post URL and the Relay Response URL values, please set

6. Save changes.


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