How do I report there is a problem with the job board

Email required info to your support manager in order to effectively report an issue with your job board software (JobMount software).


1. Required info in case of website not accessible
2. Required info in case of issues with site functionality like search or apply etc.
3. Required info in case of job board look or HTML issues
4. Required info if job board returns error message

Required info in case of website not accessible

  1. Provide time when a problem has happened (as precise as possible).
  2. Please send results of network tests:
  • Information from service
  • For MS Windows open CMD program for command line access and then run following commands:
nslookup YOUR_DOMAIN
  • For MacOS open Terminal for command line access and then run following commands:
traceroute YOUR_DOMAIN

Required info in case of issues with site functionality like search or apply etc.

  1. Account used when error occurred (admin/candidate/employer) and it’s email.
  2. Job/employer/candidate that has an issue (if applicable).
  3. Provide step by step description of actions that lead to an error (if problem with file upload – provide the file).
  4. Make a screenshot of the error including full browser window: press Alt – Print Screen when window is activated. Save it as an image or copy-paste into MS Word document file and attach it to your email report.
  5. Provide browser name and version you are using. Required if any display issues reported.
  6. Provide operating system you are using (i.e. Windows 10, macOS Mojave, etc.). Required if any display issues reported.

Required info in case of job board look or HTML issues

  1. Make a screenshot of the error including full browser window: press Alt – Print Screen when window is activated. Save it as an image or copy-paste into MS Word document file and attach it to your email report.
  2. Provide browser name and version you are using. Required if any display issues reported.
  3. Provide operating system you are using (i.e. Windows 10, macOS Mojave, etc.). Required if any display issues reported.

Required info if job board returns error message

  1. Account used when error appeared (admin/candidate/employer) and it’s email.
  2. Job that has an issue (if applicable).
  3. Provide step by step description of actions that lead to an error (if problem with file upload – provide the file).
  4. Make a screenshot of the error including full browser window: press Alt – Print Screen when window is activated. Save it as an image or copy-paste into MS Word document file and attach it to your email report.
  5. Provide browser name and version you are using. Required if any display issues reported.