
Broadcast your jobs to Adzuna and Jooble

Looking for broader job distribution? Maybe get audience in countries that are not covered by top job aggregators like Indeed?
joobleConsider other job aggregation and search engines. It is easy to integrate JobMount job board software with others like Jooble or Adzuna.

Jooble covers 64 countries and includes both free and Pay Per Click plans, accepting jobs from job boards as well as from individual employers.
adzunaAdzuna is relatively new search engine that aggregates job, property and car classifieds from 10 countries. This summer Adzuna has secured £2m investment via crowdfunding platform and is working to improve their job search technology and expand to more countries.
Note that getting advertised on 3rd party websites has certain SEO influence so you might want to add delay before jobs are broadcasted – only jobs visited by google bot will be included into XML feeds for aggregators if you select Yes in feed configuration:

Broadcast your jobs to Adzuna and Jooble

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