
Immediate scraped jobs refresh & adding new scrapes directly from job board

Refresh jobs button and new scrape requests can now be offered for both job board customers and admins.

Request job wrapping from job advertiser’s dashboard

As soon as job board admin allows job wrapping service for an employer account “Add scrape” form becomes available to submit scraping request.

Automatic job sync will be then configured by our team and “Refresh jobs” button will show up in Jobs Manager for an employer.

Standard update frequency is once per day but can be more frequent or even real-time.


Jobs management update for job board employer users

For accounts with active job wrapping a widget shows a status of a scrape including latest update date.

Plus there is a Refresh button to trigger immediate jobs refresh without having to wait for a next scheduled update, i.e. next day. This might be useful when certain jobs need to be distributed faster or if there is a closed position that should no longer show up on a job board.


Back-end update for JobMount job board admins

Job wrapping service is one of the options to get jobs posted to a job board and can be offered for advertisers to perform job sync task regularly, accurately and quickly.

JobMount job board admin can add scrapes via Job scraping section of a back-end, check statuses of all scrapes that are delivered to a job board and trigger jobs refresh once needed.


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