
Job board blog integration

How do you make the best use of a blog for both job board SEO and vacancy advertising? Here are the key considerations for your job board software.

Look & feel

Based on your blog concept / goals: either customize your blog html/design to fully reflect your job board style and add to visitor “job board experience” or keep it simple by utilizing free WordPress template (“blog” style) & layout.

Standalone domain vs folder or alias on a job board?

Do you publish a blog on standalone domain? Or would you add it to main job board? Please consider the following:

  1. Folder (i.e. www.your_board_software.com/blog) – our recommendation
    – it will help your SEO by organically adding to your overall job board content “weight”. The folder content will be indexed by Google and considered part of your main job site.
  2. Alias (i.e. http://blog.your_board_software.com)
    – alias / blog SEO will benefit from already established main job board ranking. But it will not add up to main board SEO.
  3. Standalone domain (i.e. www.your_blog_domain.com)
    – will help if your external job board linking suffers (i.e. link it to your job board from a well-page-ranked blog homepage).
    – does not add any content “weight” to your main board.
    – for certain businesses might have greater credibility / traffic / more subscribers if not linked to main “biased” job board brand (means more blog page / job views).

Free software for your blog

WordPress is our preference for it integrates seamlessly with JobMount software and provides variety of nice SEO features:

  • SEO friendly links
  • 301-redirect (for transferring existing pagerank to new URL)
  • sitemap generation
  • robots.txt management
  • etc.

Add dynamic content to Job Board pages via software RSS feature:

  1. SEO: help your job board homepage and key landing pages obtain frequent updates by relevant content supplied via blog RSS.
  2. Visitors conversion: increase your candidate retention by providing useful content to review/subscribe to.

Type of blog content usually available via RSS: latest posts, popular posts, latest comments, posts per category, etc.

Use JobMount software RSS reader feature to download the content and publish to job board automatically.

Advertise jobs on blog pages via RSS

Add job listings / adverts to your blog posts for both job seeker applications and SEO/ linking.

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